Client Best Practices

Optimizing Client Communications
With the pace of business change accelerating constantly, more and more clients are in need of best practices. Sometimes internal client structure and skills need improvement. Or clients need help in the challenges of communications and management of multiple agencies. Or they need help in managing the issues between internal and external agencies.
Optimize Clients’ Internal Marketing Organization
Often clients are working with a structure they inherited. They know it could be improved, but aren’t sure what to change or how to implement. We are in constant conversations with marketing organizations, and benchmark what works and what doesn’t. We bring these best practices from other marketing groups, to our clients and apply that to a structure that works for their organization.
Help Build Cohesive Internal Teams
Too often central marketing organization clients have issues with their internal marketing clients. We help build teams so each side understands what each needs and why.
Guide Clients in Managing Multiple Agencies
We have numerous best practices and real constructive programs to guide improvements for handling multiple agencies, in multiple disciplines, locally or around the world.
Provide Client Checkups
After our initial work with a client, we often provide a return engagement checkpoint program to facilitate and fine tune internal matters for continuous improvement.
Coaching for In House Agency Optimization
From our extensive work with many clients who have both internal and external agencies, we have robust benchmarking that aids in our coaching for internal agencies.
Procurement Counsel
As more and more procurement executive groups become involved with agencies, we have custom programs that help educate procurement on marketing basics, how agencies work, and agency financial management.

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